Emil @Knuckstrike

Earning medals

The Netherlands

Joined on 5/25/09

Exp Points:
15,796 / 16,030
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.95 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
11m 30d

@LuigiFan: trololol, I'm no alien.


*and claims comment 420*

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/503293">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/503293</a>
Sort by ratings, page 21:
--myann1212 says fuck you to the author

That's abusive indeed. I missed it though.

It's so sad that Facebook runs extremely slow on this damn computer. =(

I think it's a bug, as it runs incredibly slow on my fast computer as well.

Who knew a song could have a handful of abusive reviews?
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/484814">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/484814</a>
Page 2:
--Destifire calls the author an asshole.
--Kaizaman says the person who made the song is an asshole.

@LuigiFan: I can't continue this human conversation.

To all NG allies: do you guys do anything productive except for finding abusive reviews and earning medals? (such as making flash movies/games, producing music, draw and publish on NG, etc)

I haven't been on newgrounds for the past week really. I will get back to reviewing soon.
Other than that, no.

Aw, you guys don't want to produce music? =(

I'd like to. It's just that I have no talent at all. The only thing I can do is play bubble bobble, some zelda tunes and this wierd song we had to learn at music class.

Oh, and the HEMA tune.

Trololol, this user really knows how to advertise minecraftcodes.me...
<a href="http://zoltar13.newgrounds.com/">http://zoltar13.newgrounds.com/</a>
---All reviews that say 'hey, I just got my free blah blah blah'

I doubt a lot of people (in fact, barely anyone) are still watching this NP, thus while I'm putting abusive findings here, you guys (NG allies) can have some whistle points without doubt (of course, not you, Knuckstrike). =3


You're now the one that spends the most time on abusives. I don't spend time on newgrounds at all, and some of the others hardly any as well.

Hey, I only spend 1~3 minutes finding abusive reviews everyday (believe it or not). That find was just pure luck (but they're deleted now).

I just hang around NG for two reasons: the stats and the Audio (which provides [rarely] good music and sometimes tips on how to make it better). The rest is totally meh.

Yeah, got a boring life here. I don't have many trusted friends, since most of my 'friends' are unsocialized and uneducated, thus I collect B/P and trying to become the boss of the stats (which is obviously impossible).

(lawl, we should make a conversation News Post on one of someone's oldest News Post. I dunno if it's a good idea, but maybe it would do good)

I spend about 30 seconds finding abusives every day. :P

I spend time in the wi/ht forum, getting medals and sometimes reviewing. But I haven't posted/reviewed/gotten any medals for about a week now...

The best gainers gain about 40-50 b/p per day. So if you can hold that pace for a few years (about seven or eight), you will be among the top.

I'll let you decide on the news post thing.

Also, I'll be claiming comment 435 shortly.

Shortly as in now?

you guys still go here?
lol wow

lol yeah.

*cough* trying to be cool *cough* with your stats, bro? =|

I'm not doing the NP thing; it's not my style, and I tend to 'bomb' other users' NP, and not 'create a base'. =\

My stats? Yeah.

You can also choose an existing news post.

I know, but I can't do that on my territory. =|

Why not?

Also, claiming comment 440.


@Luigi: I don't think so. I've long lost motivation to look for abusive reviews, and I'm the one who bombs NPs the most, thus this would be around 480 rather than 500.

imatouko-Chan can bomb quite a lot as well. Not that I mind though.

Because I'm too lazy to do it on mine. XP

I bomb more. No exceptions.

Not too much, actually.

I think it's possible to produce music and writing a novel at the same time (I'm gonna do that).

Inspiration is endless within me. I don't know why, but music and books motivate me until I'm impossible to stop. =\

Having that must be amazing.

Having such endless inspiration is of course amazing, but without confidence it's worthless.

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