Emil @Knuckstrike

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The Netherlands

Joined on 5/25/09

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11m 30d

*the correct lever order

I generally view the old Zelda games as 'crap' due to their graphics. It's also impossible to buy them over here.

If Dark Link's health is equal to Link's amount of hearts, then I think I've been over-fighting him...because I love collecting Pieces of Heart. I have at least 14 hearts everytime I fight against Dark Link.

At the very least, I was able to enjoy Link to the Past, but only slightly. I don't think playing the older games (such as Oracle of Seasons or Zelda II) will gain my attention. I dislike NES-style games. It's a reason why I dislike Abobo's Big Adventure.

I haven't played Majora's Mask, ever (lolwut). I watched all the walkthrough videos, though, and I got the idea that MM is much harder than OoT due to its time limit of three days before the moon decides to destroy Termina.

Haven't you tried out the 'cartoon-ish' Zelda games yet (such as Wind Waker)? If I had to rate all LoZ games into the Top 3, my choices would be:
(1). Ocarina of Time; Master Quest (on the GameCube)
(2). Wind Waker
(3). Twilight Princess (Wii Version)
I haven't tried Skyward Sword yet, mainly because my Wii's dead and I can't afford it right now. I heard that it's only well-known for its artistic attributes, the rest is meh.

That 3-heart challenge reminds me of the 3-heart Ganondorf + Ganon challenge. Ever tried to complete a game with only three hearts?

IMO skyward sword is about as good as twilight princess.

I dislike the monster art in SS, that's for sure. It looks more like a child's game rather than a real Zelda game. Wind Waker and the series afterwards was tolerable, but SS is way off the hook.

Skyloft? Hyrule below? Wtf? I heard there's a lot of freedom in the game, but I'm having my doubts.

It's not that you can choose where you want to go all the time. It really is like pokémon: you can choose which way you want to go to, but there is definitely a set path.

nothing to do here.....

You haven't posted for 12 comments, wow. Did you get locked up without internet?

they were talking about zelda so.... i kinda stayed away....

Don't like zelda?

i have never played b-bit games, nor zelda, nor nintendo, so im a loner


^That response was too short hence this line



8-bit of course.... :3
but i voted five already
i always vote EITHER a 5 or a 0
it is all or nothing
or in the RARIST occasions, a 2

rarity occasion?

<a href="http://criminal-23.newgrounds.com/news/post/630576">http://criminal-23.newgrounds.com/news/post/63 0576</a>
we didnt forget about this did we?

Kind of di(e)d.

@Luigi: The reason why I dislike 8-bit and 16-bit games is probably because the first game I ever played was on the Nintendo 64, and that was the first 3D console. Older generation games don't appeal to me. The music is also painful to hear and it gets repetitive as the game goes on.

When I got the Gamecube back in 2003, I bought a special edition which included Ocarina of Time, OoT; Master Quest (both editions are in the same CD) and Wind Waker (in a seperate CD) all in one box for only a mere 20 EU. The only bummer was that I didn't buy a memory card (and I still don't have one). Of course, they are the PAL versions (European versions) thus I couldn't play them on my Wii (which runs American disks).

@AJ: you didn't realize that I check that everyday, did you?

@C23 I check it everyday, hoping for SLF1 to comment there or KS as well

@KS HAHAHA..... see what u did there :3

Don´t worry, I did.

I feel depressed for no reason...

You shouldn´t be.

If I remember correctly, N64 was the first NINTENDO 3D console.

There is SOME 8-bit music that sounds good (example: <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/486695">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/486695</a>) but most 8-bit music sounds extremely painful to my ears.

I did play the Gameboy Advance before. I haven't played with consoles lower than that.

I guess each person's taste on VG is decided on what console they play first.

Lower consoles?

*Older consoles. What the hell was my mind thinking? X(

@Luigi: giving me YT links is extremely un-helpful, since I need to waste my time and activate my VPN. I'll check them out when I have time.

I think the gameboy colour was my first console thing.

It's a program used to get through 'filters' on the internet and get on sites such as YT, FB.

i wanna talk soon so end this convo soon


i have little knowledge of nintendo sooo.......

That means you can't talk?

Ah, my fucking stomach hurts.

If you would be nice for your stomach and didn't curse, I'm sure your stomach will be nice to you.

llol y?

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