Earning medals
The Netherlands
Joined on 5/25/09
wanna invite moar people to this chat?
this is kinda small, concidering the fact that only 4 people, including me, go here....
Adding more people will destroy my purpose of even visiting here.
Lmao, my team ended up losing 0-3 in the sterriods debate. I was originally the primary researcher, but the debater for 'athlete who never took drugs' didn't come and I was forced to debate in his position without being prepared. Despite the lack of preperation, I crushed my opponent 4-0.
Three judges and the teacher decided the scores.
Athlete (took drugs):
Athlete (never took drugs):
Sports doctor:
Official Score:
The pro debaters were all on the 'no' side, meaning that my team was going to lose before the debate even started. Because of that, the 'Athlete who took drugs' (who was actually really good in the debate) was crushed by the Best Debater of the Debate (and also the mastermind for rebuttals), and the Coach was destroyed by someone with rather high intelligence and comebacks.
The sterriod debate also occured in the other two IB classes, but the 'no' side defeated the 'yes' side in both classes. I was literally put on the losing team.
Another debate will commence on December. I'm not looking forward to it since my English class will have the 'speech period' on December, meaning that I'll have to prepare for more than one debate. I'm hating these debates because the topics are not even close to my interests, and I'm always being put on the side which I'm naturally against.
I fucking hate public speech. I have autism, which makes it hard for me to speak out in public properly. I basically hate everything involving public speech.
yo have autism?
@AJ: yes.
Do the teachers include that in the mark they give to you?
Unfortunately, no.
That sucks. On our school we get this card that ensures you don't have to speak unprepared and stuff like that.
I got one too. But I'm not dislectic, don't have autism or anything similar. It's a mistake of the people who give out these cards...
Our school is known for its horrible organisation...
@AJ: mild.
well shit...
ikr? i thought he was normal... no offense....
Did you know that some other NGers also have mental disorders? Even ParagonX9 has a mental defection: ADD.
Humans with autism (and some other mental illnesses) usually have superior IQ over normal humans.
How do you know stuff like that?
autism is smarts, but they are socially awkward.....
ADD isnt that serious too....
btw, hows school for every one of yall?
Easy. Really easy.
Do you have any problems?
@AJ: thus, implying that, you're calling me socially awkward? What a way to go.
How nice of AppleJack
but you aren't..... which really surprised me
<a href="http://imatouko-chan.newgrounds.com/news/post/723401">http://imatouko-chan.newgrounds.com/news/post/
sigh..... good times.... good times
It's still a good time
@KS school is a fucking blast as in fun, and i am really loving the student and teacher community, as they arent really stupid and are smart and fun at the same time: two things you rarly see together (am i right?) i fit somewhere finally, and i am proud to be in this school.
grades however...... i have another semester :3
My grades are good :3
You will pass, right?
....with at least 86 average :(
biology is shit
ANW is shit.
That's a mix of history and geology. Two subjects I happily dropped two years ago.
Why is school so fun for you guys?
Yo, drop the bass.