Emil @Knuckstrike

Earning medals

The Netherlands

Joined on 5/25/09

Exp Points:
15,796 / 16,030
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.95 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
11m 30d

I can't catch Vulpix/Ninetales in Platinum. I need one of the GBA cartridges.

Ninetales sucks anyway. U mad?


It doesn't suck. CB ninetales is too awesome.

Ninetales is shit. My Blaziken can 1-hit-KO Ninetales with an Earthquake.

Also, B/P Rank special ---
My B/P Rank: 557
Luigi's B/P Rank: 556

I finally caught up.

252 Atk Life Orb Blaziken Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 124 Def Ninetales: 294-346 (84 - 98.85%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

So no.

And you're still behind Luigi.

Screw Life Orb, I use Choice Band. Plz use accurate mathematics.


Lv. 100 Ninetales top HP: 350; top Def: 273

623 total defensive power


Lv. 100 Blaziken top atk: 372

Choice Band: 372 / 2 = 186 additional atk

Earthquake: 100x2 = 200 (super effective)

758 total damage



Ninetales gets taken down in a single hit, unless Ninetales can 1-hit-KO Blaziken beforehand (which is impossible considering the fact that Ninetales' atk and sp.atk don't even go over 300)

uber pwned

Blaziken is better than ninetales, okay? I admit it.
But ninetales is more beautiful.

By the way:
252 SpA Choice Specs Ninetales Extrasensory vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Blaziken: 256-302 (84.76 - 100%) -- 6.25% chance to OHKO

I will only admit that the shiny version of Ninetales is beautiful (white coat); the ordinary color is lame.

You're lame.

Nah, j/k. But even though blaziken is cool, it's not nearly as mysterious, intelligent and nice as ninetales.
Blaziken's shiny sprite is not even different from the already lame sprite he/she has.

Fine, you're entitled to your own opinion.

Personally, I treat my Pokemon like tools. What about you?

Yup, me too.

I used to be a kid that brings his newest pokemon to the groomer because I wanted it to be happy. A whole lot has changed.

Do you have a Ditto? My Ditto is the ultimate sex reproduction machine. My Ditto had sex with many, many PKMN, at many, many times. I swear, I left my Ditto in the day-care when it was lv. 13, and now it's lv. 100. From all the PKMN Ditto had sex with, Tyranitar & Heracross had the most with Ditto (over 40+ times).

It's definitely a sex machine. I don't get why ditto can't reproduce with other Ditto though.
It's the sexies of all, but also the only non-legendary that can't even have sex with his wife.


harvard was fucking awesome.


Did you win? :3

it ws a national tournument, and of the 200 kids that competed from around the country, only like the top 30-20 would get a trophy
i was top 150 :(

i made a friend from across the country, of california

That's better than top 160 ;D

And yay, friends! Is he on Newgrounds?

one guy knew it, but doesnt have an account :(

that meteor was scary, i saw it on the newspapers at Harvard LOL

I thought it was pretty funny.

I have just become the top B/Per of the ARPA organization.

Now I need to get on the Top B/P & Top Savers List. It could take a year. I can never dream of being on the Top Blammers List.

I earn more blams than you do.

Last month you got 49. I got 50 >:).

I want to get on both of those lists as well. It won't take too long.

That's just a one-blam difference. It's nothing significant, m8. >:(

Tell me how many saves we earned last month. I'm guessing you gained 900 saves and I gained around 1,100 saves.


I gained 1,164 of them.


Tsk, 1,211 saves for me

Plz cry in your corner


That's right, keep crying. Feel the pain. Feel it. Enjoy the moments of sadness.

You know what this calls for?!?

No...tell me!

You should watch MLP.

But I watched all three seasons already. <3

Sadness still feels good, though. I just don't know why. That feeling when you just have to cry and feel hopeless...is kinda enjoyable if you can enjoy it.

I never feel sad. I don't know why.
I guess I'm a total optimist.

sadness is a deterrence of your esteem and hope, basically hindering your ponential to do anything

i learned that from experience....


So, when are any of you gonna apply for the EGB? It's almost March.

Never, I guess. What's the point in joining if I otherwise would also just post stuff. It just means more work for byteslinger.

Fine then. One member doesn't hurt that much, you know.

In other news, I've started earning medals. I'm not going extreme medal hunting because of laptop issues (248 MB RAM, very weak, lots of lags). This issue could be solved if I can get my hands on my mother's un-used laptop which is fine for Flash gaming. I'm gonna stop on medals when I get 77,770 Medal Points.

There are lots of games with easy medals.

Is 7 your lucky number, by any chance?

@Knuck: not really. The number 7 is just the coolest out of all the numbers.

@Luigi: seems it's settled to a 100 B/P gap. If I miss at least 2 days of B/Ping, I'll lose my rank.

Incorrect answer. 0 is the coolest of all numbers. That's because it's the most special of all real numbers.
If you have 7, to make that 70 you have to add the 0. It might seem like 7 is awesome, but it's actually the 0 that's doing all the work.
Next to that, it's the only number that can't be divided by. And mathematics has spent a long time without having a zero, which is weird but also pretty awesome.

0 is waaaaaaay too mainstream. 7 is where it's at.

0 is like the least mainstream number you can think of. 7 is the most common favorite number. After that is three.

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