Emil @Knuckstrike

Earning medals

The Netherlands

Joined on 5/25/09

Exp Points:
15,796 / 16,030
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.95 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
11m 30d

Talent is a hell of a drug

Talent is a hell of a drug

Talent is a hell of a drug

Talent is a hell of a drug

It is?


Damn you

I quit B/Ping.

Don't ask me why.

Does someone want to deposit EXP for my account?

I feel like quitting NG entirely.

No I'm not on drugs or anything.

You what?

And sure

Ng is too tiring or not too much to do?

Not much time probably

Actually, it's a mix of a few factors:

- First, the most obvious one: I have little time to spare
- Second, NGing has become more of a tiring task rather than an enjoyment
- Third, I kinda lost the magic interest that got me all worked up on my stats n stuff like that
- Fourth, I want to use my limited free time for good use that'll benefit me in one way or another
- And last, I kinda want to be in the outside world for a while and enjoy life

I guess thoughts change as they mature.

Outside world?
Does it really exist? I thought it was just a myth.

the outside world is a mystical forbidden land foretold by the elders of Newgrounds....

Those who have free time have explored the vast realms of the outside world once. But to no avail; the terrain was too rough and the sun too bright.

Fuck yea, spongebob

i nominate Touko as sandy. all in favor say aye?


that is such a nice series....

I can imagine it being fantastic for sprite lovers.

guys give a hand to knucklestrike


<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/rankings/medals">http://www.newgrounds.com/rankings/medals</a>

*gives hand to self*

///After a short period of inactivity, Lt. Chraus manages to connect to the ARPA Zone and actually deposit EXP///

Hi crew.

I still don't feel like serving for the Portal.

But this shit is getting out of hand, I'd missed a few deposits because of this attitude.

And a coincidence: during March 2012 I was also inactive in statting. Perhaps every March is the Drought Month for my stat adventure(s).

I probably missed shitloads of news & features.

But this is bullshit. I have enough time for mandatory statting. I just don't feel like it.

So what kind of new shit occured while I was 'dead in the barracks'?

The whole medal system got overhauled. There are medal mods (like me) and you can click on the medals to see more info.
I haven't been b/p'ing either. But the habit may return soon.

What's the purpose of a medal moderator? Take down broken medals?


And finally, I've been 'healed' from the wounds that I received from the Portal. I just invaded the Portal and invaded all 50 sectors of the UJ list. We'll see how long I'll be able to last. There are high chances of me being wounded again, though.


I don't have time with this medal stuff and list stuff to do D:.

Aw shit I just realized that I'm behind Luigi again on B/P. I guess it's fair for him to have reclaimed top B/P position in the ARPA due to his one-and-a-half-month absense from UJ voting. Have you regained your B/P Power Drive yet, Knuck?

As for other things, have any of you encountered a legit shiny pokemon before? I encountered a shiny Bidoof (female, relaxed nature) and a shiny Fearow (male, hasty nature), both via random encounter on PKMN Platinum. They're both unwanted shinies and I'm really disappointed of having encountered two shitty shinies. I've tried chaining Starlys just to get a shiny one but the chain keeps breaking even with all the pro tips (always breaking between 15~25).

(and SHIT, I hatched a Modest Elekid. I wanted Adamant, fffuuuu. Worse to come, is that it's got amazing IVs) ;_;

I have not. I have a shit ton of work to do. This moderator stuff takes a lot of time...

I have encountered a few shiny gyarados in the lake of rage :D. But that doesn't really count.
I encountered a shiny geodude once in pokemon silver. I've had terrible luck with shinies though. I played silver for 450 hours and only once come across a shiny poke: that geodude. I tried to catch it (which surprises me as a was a dumbfuck back then; I catched a gyarados of lv20 with my master ball as I thought it looked cool. I was 6 years old, okay?) but it exploded on me. I wasn't disappointed as I didn't know about shinies.

It's been rather common for people to fail to catch a shiny because "IT USED SELFDESTRUCT/EXPLOSION". You can imagine how awful it is to encounter a shiny in the Great Marsh/Safari Zone and have it run away.

lol "master ball on Gyarados just cuz it looked cool"

I used my first master ball on Uxie in PKMN Pearl because it was the first time I played the game and thought that legendaries couldn't be caught with normal Pokeballs. I gave away my Diamond & Pearl in exchange for 4 Wii games, so I don't have any of my rookie PKMN anymore.

I have 15 legit master balls (which is really just beating SoulSilver 15 times over and transfering the given master balls to Platinum), plus I never use my master balls anyway (dusk balls FTW). How about you?

At least you know what legendaries were back then -.-
My highest level poke was a lv100 murkrow. I trained it because it looked like a bird from a television show I watched.

I have 1. I don't know if I'm ever going to use it.


Shinies are just rare and different-colored PKMN, that's it (but their rarity of 1/8192(?) makes them pretty valuable, and most shiny PKMN are cooler than their regular counterparts). When I first heard of them I thought they had superior stats but that's not actually the case (they can still get bad natures, but I dunno about the IVs, since I've seen most shiny PKMN on YT have pretty above average IV count). You should get one of the Gen 4 (either Platinum or SoulSilver/HeartGold) or Gen 5 games, although I dislike Gen 5 for certain reasons. And now they're introducing Gen 6 (PKMN X & Y) it pisses me off!!!

The only Pokeballs I used on Mewtwo in SoulSilver was the Fast Ball. In fact, I got two Mewtwos with a Fast Ball, and only on the first throw (it must be dumb luck). My better Mewtwo's Sp. Atk at lv 100 is 425, and I've checked that the max is 447, so I'm kinda disappointed at my Mewtwo's IVs. I used some of my master balls on Groudon (SS), Kyogre (HG) and 2 Rayquazas (SS for Modest, HG for Adamant) because they all knew the move Rest and I couldn't be assed to take so much time just to catch it for the best nature. What did your brother tell you about not using the master ball?

(And I heard that master balls can fail, but at a very little %)

They can't fail.


I was training my Adamant Elekid (which was already done with EV training on its Speed and Attack) but since I had a chain of 18 on Shinx (for Attack EV training), I decided to keep chaining, and I finally encountered a shiny Shinx. Fucking golden, and it's male!!!!

I'll upload a pic of the screen on dumping grounds soon since my laptop takes a while to generate my Iphone.


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