This is a walkthrough / FAQ for escaping the prison
7 medals, 340 points
At the start, you can choose between six options: File, NRG drink, teleporter, rocket launcher, cellphone and the drill.
Here are the correct answers to get all medals, except for the ''lots of effort'' medal and the secret medal. For the lots of effort medal, choose everything except for the things mentioned in the FAQ.
-Cell door
-click the left arrow when it pops up
-click the right arrow when it pops up
-go to the right
-plungers. {{{SNEAKY ENDING MEDAL GET}}}
NRG drink: fail
Teleporter: fail
Rocket launcher: fail
Cell phone:
-Disguising bag
-present. {{{LEGAL ENDING MEDAL GET}}}
Drill: Donut medal:
-Click on the bagel on the shelf behind the stickman. It only appears for a very short time, so be fast
-opacitator. After you zoom in on the opacitator, there is another bagel on the same shelf as before, and you have to click that too. When you drop down because of the invincibility, there is a policemen looking at a box on a table. Click that box, and {{{DONUT WANT MEDAL GET}}}
Drill: Badass medal:
-click the green arrow pointing at you
-click the arrow to the left for {{{LOL BRAWL REFERENCE MEDAL GET}}} or
-click the arrow pointing at the wall to continue
-click when it says ´´click!´´ for {{{BADASS ENDING MEDAL GET}}}
Okay, one hint for the secret medal. Click on someting in one of the endings. (sneaky, legal or badass.)
Awsome :) Thanks for the help
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