Emil @Knuckstrike

Earning medals

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Riskful Thinking guide

Posted by Knuckstrike - August 28th, 2010

Wylina's Table of Contents

This is a guide for the game Riskful Thinking by nathanielmilburn, ArChEr-11, and Zach Striefel. There are eight medals, of wich one is secret, worth 190 points together.

There are four floors. Here are all the games on all floors:

Floor 1: Chance games and slot games. After you pass this floor, don't come back to this floor. No medals are located here, and this floor is really boring.

-Heads/Tails game. Boring, useless and there is no tactic for this game. You win double the money you bet if you win. Don't play it.
-Rock, paper, scissors. You can win double the money you bet. Same as above. Don't play it.
-The game with the three cups. Also boring, and without any tactics. If you choose correctly, you win three times as much money as you bet. Again, don't play it.
-The number guess game. Choose a number between 1 and 20, and if you guess correctly, you win 25(!) times the amount of money you bet. Although you can win more than you bet on average, i recommend you not to play it. The chance of winning is 1/20, so if you bet a lot, you will almost always lose it.
-Slots. These are the flashing machines. You almost never win, and if you win, you receive very little money. Don't do it.

You need 20.000 dollar to go to the second floor. You start with 10.000$, so you only need to double it, right? So gamble all your 10.000$ on the heads/tails game. If you win, go to the second floor, and if you lose, press menu, and then press start game and you start again with 10.000$.

Floor 2: Chance games and slot games. If you enter this floor you should have the first medal you can get: Floor 2 There are lots of games that are less boring than the ones on the first floor. IMO is this the most fun floor. And you can win lots of money here too. And on this floor, you can win three medals, including the secret one. These are the games:

-Spinning wheel. On this game you can win the medal Spinning the wheel. To get it, twist the wheel so you get 8000$. You have to pay 1000$ to play the game, and the average amount of money you get is 1100$, so you win more money than you spend on average.
-Chance Box. You get the Chance boxmedal if you pull the 10.000$ out. You can pull out 0$, 500$, 1000$, 7500$ and 10.000$.
-Dice throw. The hands throw two dice, and if they are the same number, you win six times your bet. In this game there is a trick so you can get a lot of money. After the two dice show lie down without moving, there is a pause of around half a second before he says ''You just lost/won'' During that pause, look if the dice aren't the same or if they are the same. If they aren't, quickly click bet again, and repeat that until they are the same. If they are the same, don't click bet again. If you do it correctly, you should be able to win loads of money without losing it. I recommend to practice this a lot while betting 1$, then if you can do it, bet around one third of your money. If you do it right, you double your money, but if you fail you lose only one third of your money.
-Briefcase game. Choose a briefcase, and you get that amount of money. Cost: 1000$. If you spam briefcase number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 you can get a lot of money quite quickly. Choose your lucky number.
-Roulette. Pay 1000$ and earn whatever the ball lands on. This one is a lot like the spinning wheel one. You can't earn a medal on this one though. The average amount of money you get is 1267$
, so you win more than you pay in general.

You need 50.000$ to go to the third floor. To get there, either do the trick on the dice game (fast and risky) or spam the briefcase game (somewhat slower but works almost always). If you arrive at the third floor you get the medal floor 3.

Floor 3: Russian roulette and fights.

There are three different types of fights on this floor plus Russian roulette.
I recommend you not to earn your money on this floor. Earn all your money on the second floor.

-Chicken fights: Place your bet, choose one of the two chickens and if you win you get double your bet. This game is the same as the heads/tails game. Boring, and the fights take long.
-Dog fights: Choose a dog, and if it wins you get 10.000$. The price of participating is how much the dog costs. Note: You don't always win with the best dog, Roofie.
-Men fights: The same as the dog fights, except this costs more money, and this lets you win more money too. You don't always win with the strongest fighter, Ordinairy Fellow.
-Russian Roulette: This is just like an all in with poker. If you win, you win a lot of money, if you lose, you are game over. If you win it for the first time, you get a medal: Russian roulette

You need 100.000$ to go to the fourth floor. Get your money on the second floor. Don't do the fights and the russian roulette. If you get to the fourth floor, you get the last medal you can get: Floor 4

Floor 4: Stocks

This floor is a floor with a lot of glitches. You can invest in stocks and sell them later. If you get too many stocks of one company, you lose all of them. If you buy stocks while the money for the stocks is less than zero, you get money for buying it. There is nothing to get anymore if you come to the fourth floor. Click ''take your money and leave'' and get the medal: Cash in

Here are all the medals again:
-Floor 2, floor 3, floor 4: Get to the floor. You need to be on the floor, not only have enough money to get there.
-Cash in: Click ''take your money and leave''.
-Spinning the wheel: Spin the wheel on floor 2 so you get $8000
-Chance box: On the chance box game on floor 2, get out $10.000
-Russian Roulette: Win a game of Russian roulette on floor 3.
Check my medals for the description of the secret medal. that should be enough info. Somewhere in the guide is the floor where the secret medal is.

Other notes:
-Get to floor 2 ASAP and earn all your money there. It's the least boring room and you can earn the most money there.
-This game is mostly based on luck, so not everything may go well the first time.
-If you are game over (lose all your money), you can still go to all the floors you visited before.

I hope this guide helped you on the quest of medal game completion.


I found that the head/tails game boring, but a great way to get money.

With me it's 50/50, so I gain money just as fast as I lose it.

woot i got #1 score of all time lets see how long i last there :) Nice score!