Emil @Knuckstrike

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Fluffy adventure in ruins walkthrough

Posted by Knuckstrike - October 14th, 2010

Wylina's Table of Contents

A video walkthrough for the game, probably made by the author

Fluffy adventure in ruins is a pretty cute platformer made by fortunacus. All the medals you can get are medals you achieve by playing through the game, except for one. That one is for reaching the max level. The total number of medal points you can get is 355. The weirdest part of the game, is that it's hard in the beginning, but gets easier while you go further in the game. So don't be discouraged if you can't beat it at the start, it only gets easier!

You can move your fluffy character by using the arrow keys, and the x key to jump. Down and up are for climbing ladders. You can pause with the escape button.

You start your game in a room with two green fluffy enemies. Go up the stairs and jump over them. Don't try to beat them, you can't (yet). Go up another room, and you enter the hardest room in the game. You probably are going to die a few times here, but just keep trying. Go upstairs until you reach a room with a crab, a ghost, two red flames and a jellyfish. Don't go upstairs, but go to the right. Jump over the enemies while you keep going right until you reach a star. This allows you to shoot, just press z. You have unlimited ammo by the way. the hardest part of the game is now done. Keep defeating enemies until you've gained 20 exp. Play it safe, because if you die now, you have to start all over. If you gained 20 exp, you are level up. If you are level up, you can choose between two things: Heal yourself and gain one life extra (like a heart container in Zelda), or power up your shots by 0.2. I'd recommend to choose the heart if you're low on hp (like one, two or three hearts), and if you're not, choose the shot power up. To choose the extra HP when you level up is the only way to heal in this game, except for after a boss. Remember that very well. If you have leveled up, go down from where you came from until you reach a Whomp. (You know, that rock thing from super mario 64) Kill the whomp with your shots until it's defeated. The number next to him is it's HP. Go through the now open door and pick up the white key. Now, go back and go all the way up. Go up the stairs, and go to the right, to the door. Walk through it to the first boss: Don the Dragon. Your game is saved now.

First boss: Don the Dragon.
Don the dragon is the first boss. He flies from one side to another, firing bullets when he flies. he shouldn't be too hard. Just keep firing bullets at him, and he should be dead in no time. He gives 13 exp. After the fight, if you level up, don't choose the heart, because you get healed after the battle if you pick up the heart. Continue to the right.

Defeat the enemies here and continue your way until you reach a place with a wobbuffet-cactus, two ghosts and three blue squids. from there, take the left-upper exit, and continue until you find a doll. Pick it up to get a girlfriend. This is a girl that crawls behind you. She does nothing. Now go all the way back to the screen with the two red flames, one jellyfish, one crab and a ghost. From there, go one screen to the right, where the horses are. stand before the horses with your girlfriend, and they will go away. Pick up the star. Now your girlfriend shoots simultaneously with you. Go up and the next boss is there: Rocky the Italian seahorse

Second boss: Rocky the Italian seahorse.
This boss floats around in a bubble, and sometimes fires three shots. This is quite a hard boss. You can only hit him for HP when parts of him stick out of the bubble. You can't pop the bubble. The bubble even gets bigger. When he has only about one third of his HP left, he multiplies himself. If you hit the decoys, they disappear. The seahorse that doesn't shoot, is the real one.
Just hit him a lot, and he will be defeated. If he multiplies himself, kill the decoys first. After you kill them, he can't do a thing anymore. He doesn't shoot after that. Try to let the girlfriend shoot at him too. And your shots have knockback, so even if it looks like he will hit you, you can knock him away from you. You get 15 exp. from him, plus 1 exp from his decoys.

Now, go all the way to the right, and then all the way down until you get to a pink whomp. Kill him with your girlfriend and go through the door. Pick up the black key, and go down to face the last real boss: Arnold the Terminator

Third boss: Arnold the Terminator
This boss is really easy. Just face him and shoot him. Make sure your girlfriend faces him too, so you can deal double damage to him. Beat him, pick up the heart, and go to the point where you started. (The room with two green fluffs) Go through the black door to find the incredibly hard last boss: Giant gomphus.

What I said at the start about the game getting easier isn't true if you look at this boss. This is the hardest boss in a game ever. Get ready for a long, long boss fight. The first thing you have to do is to jump against him. Make sure your girlfriend touches him. Then pick up the heart, and see what happens...

If you have done this, you will surely have eight of the nine medals. The one you're probably missing is the ''get to the max level'' medal. (Fluffy Maximus) The max level is 15. The exp you need to get for the next level starts at 20, and you need 5 exp more for each next level. It stops at 60 exp. So that makes the exp needed:
level 2: 20
level 3: 25
level 4: 30
level 5: 35
level 6: 40
level 7: 45
level 8: 50
level 9: 55
level 10: 60
level 11: 60
level 12: 60
level 13: 60
level 14: 60
level 15: 60
So to get to level 15 you need: 20+25+.......+60=660 exp.
The easiest way to get exp is to beat the two stone guys, located one screen to the left of the screen where you beated Don the Dragon, over and over. They both give 4 exp. If you are fast, you can get around 150 exp per minute that way.

- The game only saves right before bosses, and right after bosses.
- The only way to heal is to beat a boss or to level up and choose the life bonus.
- 660 exp seems a lot, but you can get it in no time.
- Try to be a high level ASAP. If you are about level 10, you can beat the whole game in no time.

Have a lot of fun with your new 355 medal points!


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