Emil @Knuckstrike

Earning medals

The Netherlands

Joined on 5/25/09

Exp Points:
15,796 / 16,030
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.95 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
11m 30d

a question
do hacked games get passed of blamed?
i saved for yolo purposes


What the hell do you mean by 'hacked games'?

I think submitted from another site.

E.g. I see a cool game on armor games and decide I'd submit it to NG

yea i guess

oh the flash flood.... so many saves

I tried to blam like 90% of them.

Around 50+ per day. The 'latest submissions' list in the Classic Portal is generally covered entirely by UJ submissions


flash flood is insta saves
it is like another clock day

Unfortunately it is.

I've been watching the 'PKMN: World of Chaos' series lately. It's pretty good.

I think it's pretty boring.

But some of them have medals :3

For the first few days of February, I blammed every single clock submission. When I realized that my total blam count stayed at 0+, I started voting 2 on them all.

It doesn't make a difference because they seem to get 2.4+ because savewhores who vote 5. ;_;

Don't get dragged into the vortex of the savewhores! Keep blamming!

clockcrew submissions are virtually immposible to blame

You should try!

Nah, nevermind, I now save half of them as well.

"I don't always blam submissions"

"but when I do, I don't get blam points"


It's not about the blam points. It's about sending a message.

the thing is, i kinda do it now for the rank, as i really am behind, but i do omit all the wrong flashes that really dont deserve viewer ship.

I blam 1/3d of the flashes because I don't like them. I only get a blam point from one in every ten of them.

btw going to Harvard for a debate tournament for a few days, going to come back on monday night....
see you then :)

You say that as if it's nothing. Ah, just going to Harvard.

Good luck

@AJ: personally, I don't give a fuck because I have a lack of empathy in general, but good luck with the debate anyway. Tell me/us what the topic(s) is/are about.

@Luigi: actually, I do vote fairly - blamming clock submissions, however, is impossible, because there's a group that votes 5 on them all. Otherwise I wouldn't be in the EGB. And there are a few clock submissions that actually are legitimate enough to be saved. Furthermore, I only pressed the numbers "3, 4, 5" a total of 25 times (out of 750 submissions) because I voted on fairly GOOD submissions that I LIKE (some of them have already hit the frontpage, such as Territory War 3, Que?, The Snorge, etc).

And I do blam some stuff everyday. I just don't get points cuz it gets saved by cheaters who blind-vote. Don't assume that I go solely for points. I do vote on every single UJ submission but I don't get the most saves on NG. There are users who gain 1,300+ saves per month, and half of them are blind-voters.

Mwah, I just felt like writing some stuff down.

Also, how was valentine's day, everyone?


I can't say much about the game as a whole. There's ome stuff added, etc. But it lags like hell on my laptop.

It's pretty laggy indeed.

And pretty boring...

@Luigi: that's some scary shit. Did he fall to the ground or something?

@Luigi: I witnessed a citizen in the subway experiencing a seizure a few months ago. Just before the train arrived at the stop where I'm supposed to get out, the man fell to the ground and started shaking violently on the ground. I thought he was faking it just to gain attention from the people in the train so I ignored him and walked out when the train arrived at the stop.

I heard 1/4000 people experience seizures.

Jut 1/4000? That's not much.

When I was a little kid, I always though that seizure meant a sudden black-out to your eyes, and you wouldn't see anything.

I guess I was wrong.

It's like you freak out, right?


Bloody typos.

@Luigi: good to hear that. It's not cool to see autistic people suffering from such things.

Ohai guise

I've been watching the PKMN anime episodes lately. I started from Season 10 (Diamond & Pearl) and already finished 4 episodes thus far.

I also started on my Platinum again, this time trying to complete the pokedex. I've seen 425 out of 493 PKMN and caught 295 out of 493.

Nice work.

Do you have a ninetales?

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