Emil @Knuckstrike

Earning medals

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Knuckstrike's News

Posted by Knuckstrike - August 28th, 2010

Wylina's Table of Contents

This is a guide for the game Riskful Thinking by nathanielmilburn, ArChEr-11, and Zach Striefel. There are eight medals, of wich one is secret, worth 190 points together.

There are four floors. Here are all the games on all floors:

Floor 1: Chance games and slot games. After you pass this floor, don't come back to this floor. No medals are located here, and this floor is really boring.

-Heads/Tails game. Boring, useless and there is no tactic for this game. You win double the money you bet if you win. Don't play it.
-Rock, paper, scissors. You can win double the money you bet. Same as above. Don't play it.
-The game with the three cups. Also boring, and without any tactics. If you choose correctly, you win three times as much money as you bet. Again, don't play it.
-The number guess game. Choose a number between 1 and 20, and if you guess correctly, you win 25(!) times the amount of money you bet. Although you can win more than you bet on average, i recommend you not to play it. The chance of winning is 1/20, so if you bet a lot, you will almost always lose it.
-Slots. These are the flashing machines. You almost never win, and if you win, you receive very little money. Don't do it.

You need 20.000 dollar to go to the second floor. You start with 10.000$, so you only need to double it, right? So gamble all your 10.000$ on the heads/tails game. If you win, go to the second floor, and if you lose, press menu, and then press start game and you start again with 10.000$.

Floor 2: Chance games and slot games. If you enter this floor you should have the first medal you can get: Floor 2 There are lots of games that are less boring than the ones on the first floor. IMO is this the most fun floor. And you can win lots of money here too. And on this floor, you can win three medals, including the secret one. These are the games:

-Spinning wheel. On this game you can win the medal Spinning the wheel. To get it, twist the wheel so you get 8000$. You have to pay 1000$ to play the game, and the average amount of money you get is 1100$, so you win more money than you spend on average.
-Chance Box. You get the Chance boxmedal if you pull the 10.000$ out. You can pull out 0$, 500$, 1000$, 7500$ and 10.000$.
-Dice throw. The hands throw two dice, and if they are the same number, you win six times your bet. In this game there is a trick so you can get a lot of money. After the two dice show lie down without moving, there is a pause of around half a second before he says ''You just lost/won'' During that pause, look if the dice aren't the same or if they are the same. If they aren't, quickly click bet again, and repeat that until they are the same. If they are the same, don't click bet again. If you do it correctly, you should be able to win loads of money without losing it. I recommend to practice this a lot while betting 1$, then if you can do it, bet around one third of your money. If you do it right, you double your money, but if you fail you lose only one third of your money.
-Briefcase game. Choose a briefcase, and you get that amount of money. Cost: 1000$. If you spam briefcase number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 you can get a lot of money quite quickly. Choose your lucky number.
-Roulette. Pay 1000$ and earn whatever the ball lands on. This one is a lot like the spinning wheel one. You can't earn a medal on this one though. The average amount of money you get is 1267$
, so you win more than you pay in general.

You need 50.000$ to go to the third floor. To get there, either do the trick on the dice game (fast and risky) or spam the briefcase game (somewhat slower but works almost always). If you arrive at the third floor you get the medal floor 3.

Floor 3: Russian roulette and fights.

There are three different types of fights on this floor plus Russian roulette.
I recommend you not to earn your money on this floor. Earn all your money on the second floor.

-Chicken fights: Place your bet, choose one of the two chickens and if you win you get double your bet. This game is the same as the heads/tails game. Boring, and the fights take long.
-Dog fights: Choose a dog, and if it wins you get 10.000$. The price of participating is how much the dog costs. Note: You don't always win with the best dog, Roofie.
-Men fights: The same as the dog fights, except this costs more money, and this lets you win more money too. You don't always win with the strongest fighter, Ordinairy Fellow.
-Russian Roulette: This is just like an all in with poker. If you win, you win a lot of money, if you lose, you are game over. If you win it for the first time, you get a medal: Russian roulette

You need 100.000$ to go to the fourth floor. Get your money on the second floor. Don't do the fights and the russian roulette. If you get to the fourth floor, you get the last medal you can get: Floor 4

Floor 4: Stocks

This floor is a floor with a lot of glitches. You can invest in stocks and sell them later. If you get too many stocks of one company, you lose all of them. If you buy stocks while the money for the stocks is less than zero, you get money for buying it. There is nothing to get anymore if you come to the fourth floor. Click ''take your money and leave'' and get the medal: Cash in

Here are all the medals again:
-Floor 2, floor 3, floor 4: Get to the floor. You need to be on the floor, not only have enough money to get there.
-Cash in: Click ''take your money and leave''.
-Spinning the wheel: Spin the wheel on floor 2 so you get $8000
-Chance box: On the chance box game on floor 2, get out $10.000
-Russian Roulette: Win a game of Russian roulette on floor 3.
Check my medals for the description of the secret medal. that should be enough info. Somewhere in the guide is the floor where the secret medal is.

Other notes:
-Get to floor 2 ASAP and earn all your money there. It's the least boring room and you can earn the most money there.
-This game is mostly based on luck, so not everything may go well the first time.
-If you are game over (lose all your money), you can still go to all the floors you visited before.

I hope this guide helped you on the quest of medal game completion.

Posted by Knuckstrike - June 19th, 2010

Wylina's Table of Contents

Reincarnation: ITNOE is a nice game, made by LiLg. 3 medals, 2 secret, 60 points.

-Click the yellow paper on the mirror. It says: 'Seems this fellow has an appointment at 1:30 today.'
-Click the digital clock.
-Click the Frame, next to the digital clock. The guy will now leave the room.
-When he has left the room, click the socket under the digital clock, and then click the digital clock again. The digital clock is now in your inventory.
-Click the sink, and then the rubber ducky in it.
-Click the faucet on the bath.
-Click the arrow in the top right.


-Click the piece of wood that sticks out of the floor. While the guy looks at the piece of wood, click the white cloth that covers a device on the right.
-Click the top part of that device, the part that is grey.
-Click the piece of wood again, and while he is destracted, click the batteries in the device.
-Click the batteries in your inventory, and then click the digital clock in your inventory so the two things combine.
-Click the now working clock and put it in the hole in the wall on the left side.
-Go upstairs.
-Put the rubber ducky in the bath.
-Go downstairs again.

***Counter-Terrorist medal get***

For the two secret medals:
For the first one, save energy before you go back to hell.
For the second one, have patience before turning off the digital clock. (I haven't got the patience yet.)

Posted by Knuckstrike - May 22nd, 2010

Wylina's Table of Contents

This is a walkthrough for the game Pyroscape 2 by Fro. 6 medals, 40 points.

One of the largest hints I can give you is that tabbing is allowed. So tab and space all you want.

You start the game with a point-and-click part. Tabbing is allowed, so you can complete this whole part by pressing only tab and space. You have to find all the secret ingredients and put them in the microwave. Here are the ingredients:
On the screen where you start, click the box to the right of the big flame, and than the thing beneath it, and then click the book until you see the gloves. Pick up them up.
Click the arrow, and then the arrow to the right once. Click the left door twice, and than the white thing hanging in the middle of the screen.
Click the yellow arrow, and than then the right arrow twice. Click the tissues on the bed, and then the television. Click the television again, and then the upper drawer twice. Then click the underwear.
Click the arrow, and go to the right. Here, click the pills. Go to the right again and click the refrigerator under the bed twice. Now, go back and then go to the right three times. Click the microwave a few times until you get the remote. Now, go to the television, click the on button on the xbox, and let the game begin.

Now, choose your character and play the game. You don't have to do anything, you always win.
After the game, click the fire twice, and go on.

Here, at first do nothing to get the CRASH AND BURN MEDAL. After that, just hold the up and the left key to continue. (Thanks Domo48 and Supergamer500) Then, watch the story for the PLOT MEDAL.

Now, it doesn't matter if you attack or do nothing, just press something for six times and you got both the TRAITOR MEDAL and the DAMAGED FEELINGS MEDAL.

For the secret medals, here is a hint.
For the first secret medal, it does matter wich character you choose with the rockband game.
For the second medal, use the tab space method at a special point in the game.
You can always PM me if you want a more specific hint for one of the medals.

I hope this helped.

Posted by Knuckstrike - May 3rd, 2010

Wylina's Table of contents
This is a guide for the game Enough Plumbers by Radix and MrPodunkian
This is only a guide for the medals, a video walkthrough of the levels is located here.
4 medals, 185 points

The four medals are:
Easy way out; In level 19, go straight to the bottle. Rise up between the seventh and the eight flame (from the left). This is really narrow, and you have to be very precise. If you manage to get between the seventh and the eight flame, go to the right and float to the end.

Pacifist; In level six, don't kill any enemy. The key to this medal is to keep just one plumber alive almost all the time. If you collect a coin, kill one of the two plumbers. If you do that, it's quite easy. Just hop over all the enemies.

King Krusher; Finish the game. Follow the video walkthrough.

Survivalist; This is the hardest medal by far. You don't have to collect all coins, you just need to save the plumbers you have. First, collect the four coins to the right of the plumber you start with and kill the goomba next to you. Then, go to the starting point and stand ___
.............___......___ <--Here
Walk to the left so the plumbers you saved stand at excactly the same place as you do. Now, do the same as the first video walkthrough from 3.00 to 3.16, except for that you may not kill any of the plumbers showed at 3.03

I hope this helped.

Posted by Knuckstrike - May 2nd, 2010

Wylina's Table of contents

This is a FAQ for the flash game Pico's Perpetual Party by 14hourlunchbreak and EasyEats. 10 medals, 310 points

There are two difficulties: ''Girly Man'' and ''Real Man''
You can get three medals with the Girly Man difficulty, and seven medals with Real man difficulty, including the three secret medals.

There are three games. You have to shake a bottle with the first game. The best pace is to press up and down about 8 times each second. A steady pace is better than to mash your arrow keys. Both difficulties.

In the second game you have to press left and right to lift a weight. You have to lift the weight 50 times on Girly and 100 times on Real. The best pace here is about 3 or four times each second. Both difficulties.

In the third game you have to press 15 random keys on your keyboard on Girly Man, And the whole alphabet on Real man. There is no strategy for this one. Just keyboard skills.

Those are the three games, now for the medals:

Sissy shaker> complete the bottle shaking on Girly mode.
Classy weight lifter> complete the weight lifting on Girly.
Super shaker> complete the bottle shaking on Real.
Expert weight lifter> complete the weight lifting on Real
Girly man> complete Girly mode.
Real man> complete Real mode with quite a good score (more than 25 sec. left).
True man> Godliest: "True man is with 35 seconds left.'' Do this in Real mode

For the three secret medals, here's a hint:
On real mode, when you complete one of the three games, there is a stop that lasts 5 seconds. During that time, click on something of Pico, Darnell or Nene.

Posted by Knuckstrike - April 14th, 2010

Wylina's table of contents

This is a walkthrough / FAQ for escaping the prison

7 medals, 340 points

At the start, you can choose between six options: File, NRG drink, teleporter, rocket launcher, cellphone and the drill.

Here are the correct answers to get all medals, except for the ''lots of effort'' medal and the secret medal. For the lots of effort medal, choose everything except for the things mentioned in the FAQ.

-Cell door
-click the left arrow when it pops up
-click the right arrow when it pops up
-go to the right
-plungers. {{{SNEAKY ENDING MEDAL GET}}}

NRG drink: fail

Teleporter: fail

Rocket launcher: fail

Cell phone:
-Disguising bag
-present. {{{LEGAL ENDING MEDAL GET}}}

Drill: Donut medal:
-Click on the bagel on the shelf behind the stickman. It only appears for a very short time, so be fast
-opacitator. After you zoom in on the opacitator, there is another bagel on the same shelf as before, and you have to click that too. When you drop down because of the invincibility, there is a policemen looking at a box on a table. Click that box, and {{{DONUT WANT MEDAL GET}}}

Drill: Badass medal:
-click the green arrow pointing at you
-click the arrow to the left for {{{LOL BRAWL REFERENCE MEDAL GET}}} or
-click the arrow pointing at the wall to continue
-click when it says ´´click!´´ for {{{BADASS ENDING MEDAL GET}}}

Okay, one hint for the secret medal. Click on someting in one of the endings. (sneaky, legal or badass.)

Posted by Knuckstrike - December 14th, 2009

It's over 9000!!!

Posted by Knuckstrike - November 10th, 2009

I'm awesome!